Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Beginning of my Green Adventure!

A little story about a paranoid mom!
When my son was two years old I heard about two different cases of Kawasaki Disease, a rare childhood illness. Although experts don't know what causes the disease, at that time I heard one theory that it was caused by chemicals in carpet cleaning products. This was enough for me to do some research on the cleaning products I was using. Cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, phenol and formaldehyde. Not only do cleaning products contain harmful toxins, but personal care products do also. Being the paranoid new mom, I started thinking about my curious, active little boy and the possibility of him getting into these harmful, poisonous products. So the search began of somewhere I could start purchasing non-toxic products for my home. ( this was in year 2000 when they weren't offered on grocery store shelves) That search led me to a wonderful company called Melaleuca, whose focus is environmental awareness. I found Melaleuca, but didn't start purchasing their products for about a year. What kept me away for a year? Well it is a networking company, and to tell you the truth, that turned me off. But I was interested enough in their products, that I remained on an email list and received monthly newsletters. After a year, and having not found a better source for non-toxic, environmentally safe products, I came to the realization, that I could purchase products and didn't have to work it as a business. I signed up with Melaleuca in 2002 and for 10 years now have been tremendously satisfied with the products I buy from them. Now after 10 years, I want to share what I know about their products. Isn't that what girls do after all? Talk about and share the great buys they make?
So on this page of my blog, I will share my favorite Melalueca products and other "green" ideas!
If you have any other questions about the company or products, please ask!